"POLITICAL SCIENCE 101" is a novel about two close friends, Mitch and Ray, best friends since childhood, who embark together (but somewhat secretly) into the world of politics. Mitch, a popular (but troubled) Political Science professor and Ray, an ambitious (but naive) civil rights attorney, decide to team-up and make Ray the ideal politician. But along the way, they find out the hard way what Mitch has known for years and what Ray refuses to believe: The way the political system actually works - bribery, corruption, sex, intimidation, lies, deception and murder.
As the two friends grow apart, they both endure deep personal struggles, striving to improve their lives, but their troubles only seem to compound themselves until Mitch eventually chooses the "absolute right" and Ray chooses the "absolute wrong." And in the end - as it often is in life - it appears that the bad guys may have won.
This is not a textbook about political science; the title stems from the protagonist being a political science professor, combined with the premise that he and his fellow protagonist are learning the difference between real and experiential politics rather than merely theoretical or ideal politics - the hard way.
This novel explores the deep underbelly of the political process, the shattering of their idealism, personal sacrifice, personal delusion, and the battle within all people of deciding between what is necessary and what is right - and what is neither, and what is both.
As both men struggle to maintain their morals, their principles, their values, and their friendship, they are challenged by conflicts new and old, small and large, personal and public.
Where trust is the thing you cannot rely on, who can you trust?
What I went through . . . I couldn't wish that upon anyone.
It wasn't just horrific, it was everything. I walked through death, walked through heartbreak, I walked through betrayal, I walked through a city of ruins, I walked through unimaginable tests.
I survived against things you wouldn't even want to know. Things you couldn't even conjure up with your imagination. But I still did.
But you want to know the worst of it all?
I only had one chance.
Where nations are now out of control with the sudden rise of population and the demand of essential items and access to shelter, the government needed to take back control of society.
So all the major powers of the world joined together and after a long ten decades of suffering, came to a conclusion; Resdue. Which was basically an acronym of saying 'death test'.
Two students from each individual high school in either grade eleven or twelve would be chosen by the principle and teaching committee to be sent to the Resdue Test.
You were supposed to rely on your partner and was forced to as if one partner were to die, you would join them in death.
But when Bryce Henson is chosen from her school, she can only hope she can survive the first test.