This compilation of natural poems is a tribute to infinite elements of Mother Nature in its most glorious form. Each poetic stanza brings out the eternal beauty of the 'Natural Habitat' and proves time and again, that wildlife and nature are the two most quintessential parts of Gods celestial earth. The more Man devastates his own environment to quench his cannibalistic desire, the more he treads on the path to ultimate ruination. Be it an inconspicuous mosquito/leaf/seed or a gigantic human form/tree- by killing either you're committing the greatest sin, because for the Creator every form of life-whether tiny or Herculean is pricelessly equal. One effusively brilliant poem after another, Parekh creates awareness in our burgeoning youth to conserve and protect untamed Environment/Wildlife. The poet exhorts everyone to be blessed with every richness of this planet by letting Nature and Wildlife spawn, just the way it did when the Lord had created this earth millions of years ago. This book aims at disseminating the message of environment and wildlife conservation in each of its verse which are interwoven with the splendor and sparkle of God's bountiful chapters of creation. Whilst unceasingly describing the naturally panoramic beauty of this Universe-the poems within urge the innocent child in each one of us to come forward, help save the environment. And at the same time be a princely slave of its wonderfully ravishing fragrance, which makes you realize our true mission and roots in life.All Rights Reserved