Lichenpaw isn't really notable for any outstanding skills. She's not the top fighter or hunter out of the apprentices, and the warriors of her expansive clan don't look at her as the one with the most potential. That is, until she discovers a unique skill to herself, extreme bird catching-- she's able to leap from trees or straight from the very earth to catch a bird. It's simply... Amazing. And just as she's starting to be recognised as the bird-catcher, along comes Emberpaw. Emberpaw is faster, wittier, and more agile. Usual circumstances, Lichenpaw wouldn't have cared-- every other apprentice is faster and more agile than her. But then... Emberpaw shows off her skill for catching birds. And she's way better than Lichenpaw. This doesn't make Lichenpaw happy. No, this makes her jealous... More than jealous, this makes her angry. And she's going to do something about it.