I quickly shove my bags in my locker and slam it shut I start sprinting to class then I hit a solid object falling on the floor. I groan an hold my head looking up to see what the fuck I hit. I look up to se Dawson and his whole posy looking at me "watch were the fuck your walking nerd" he growls I get up and dust my self of. " actually I recall you got in my way, Sasquatch" I say smiling ignoring the throbbing pain in my head I look over as see the school slut Aubrey Martinez, that's she throws her self at anyone to get layed.. " you know there's a difference between wearing make up and looking like you got gang banged my crayola * I smirk and she glares at me... I'm am really bad at discriptions so please don't judge...I don't write books because frankly I suck at it but I like doing it anyway. Please please please read my book Ilya hope you read my bookAll Rights Reserved