In the big city of Atlanta, it ain't nothing Erykah, Saphere, Nickey, Nyomei, Nefertiti, and LaToya can't handle since the bond they share is unbreakable. Starting with Nefertiti, who is so paranoid not to get pregnant by her boyfriend, Jai but will her long time fear drive her lover out of her life? Erykah comes in play as the conceited, cute light skin girl who thinks she can have any nigga she want, has the million dollar smile to prove it, and is more feisty than a bowl of hot chili peppers until she has a rude awakening by a new senior on college campus. Saphere, often quite and aloof is so focus on her education that she doesn't know how to have fun, LaToya with her toxic light skin and mocha brown hair only cares about making her family only her dad will never thinks she's good enough. Lastly, Nyomei and Nickey are actually real sisters that have a turbulent relationship. Nickey wants to run the streets and Nyomei wants to countinue to take care of their mom and stay in college, but the the girls always butt heads over their differences. Together these sisters are learning to conquer life's problems at a young age.
Fyra syskon, ett mål - Att ta hand om varandra trots allt som hänt när Noah och Lexi var yngre. Det är inte alltid lätt.
Följ med på resan som startar med Noah och Lexis barndom och fortsätter i Lexis tonårsliv hemma med Christian och Jake i BeverlyHills. 🤍
Lexi har mycket som händer kring henne och hon anser att hennes äldre bröder är orättvisa och för överbeskyddande om henne vid många tillfällen.
Men de har sina anledningar till det.
""Han håller om henne hårt och pussar henne på håret flera gånger. "Jag kommer aldrig lämna dig lillasyster. De där svinet till mamma, ska du aldrig se igen" viskar han""
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