After the Great Gem War, the Homeworld gems fled Earth, leaving all the weapons, and gems behind, corrupted or not; including you. This... Enraged you. Why would they leave a capable gem behind? You served the Diamonds with the upmost loyalty you had. So why? Even if they forgot, it still made you angry and betrayed. Alas, you learned to let go, as it was pointless to try to escape the planet, called Earth. Did the residents residing here know that their planet was named after a pile of dirt?
Adapting to this strange, green planet, you resided in Beach City. There you were an employee of Big Donut, which kept you busy. Everyone around you thought you were human, since they populated the Earth. To keep trouble at bay, you went along with it. No one needed to know, so no one did. If anyone knew, they would probably send you to the government, something you weren't optimisitic about. After being on this planet for many years, you realised they were all cowards with selfish desires, and if they were scared and unsure about something, they would eliminate the problem. Humans, you sighed.
Living the simple, normal life - a human life, you called it, was an easy task. They lived simplistic, short, pointess lives, something far too easy for you to stress about. Well, that was until a certain humaniod gem came along. They were curious, friendly, and even a little funny.
The Steven was very curious, sometimes too curious for his own good. And you didn't appreciate it. Not one bit.
Green and Gold / Male Reader x Steven Universe (SHOW)
11 parts Ongoing
11 parts
The Gems, an interplanetary race of light-based beings, once linked to Earth, vanished millennia ago. 5,300 years ago, a long and arduous war took place, with over 1000 years of constant fighting. There was death on all sides: Homeworld, the Rebels, humans, all were subjected to the cruel fate of war. For a time, this is what these Gems would do, travel to a planet, destroy all of its biological life, and harvest the planet for it's resources. Such was their way of being: Life, Death, War and Birth.
In the late 90's, the American government secretly unearths advanced machinery, deemed of "alien origin," and aims to weaponise it for their own gain. Their best minds struggle to decipher it however, and the project is shelved within Area 51 due to it being "too advanced." for the current minds. One man however, brings together a secret division of scientists, with the sole purpose of "making the world a better place".
Fast forward to the year of 2013, and a young boy in a star shirt is rushing down the boardwalk while talking to three multicoloured women. This boy, as known by pretty much everyone in the town, was Steven Universe. After catching his breath slightly, Steven notices an older boy stealing a loaf of bread from a nearby grocery store.
Determined to stop the apparent "criminal behaviour", Steven rushes into action, startling his three female companions, and soon all four are chasing the older boy.