Come with me Friday, don't say maybe... (Louis Tomlinson Fanfiction
  • Membaca 399
  • Suara 7
  • Bagian 6
  • Durasi 11m
  • Membaca 399
  • Suara 7
  • Bagian 6
  • Durasi 11m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Sep 09, 2013
Noelle Mitchell,
She was the outcast, the girl who was always bullied, never good enough, minimal amount of friends.

Louis Tomlinson,
He was the jock, captain of the football team, the boy who always got the girl, everyone adored him, always bullying Noelle.

The two hate each other with a strong passion, Louis loved to bully Noelle though. But what happens when Mr. Jocklinson finds himself falling for this girl....

"Her name is Noelle, I have a dream about her. She rings my bell, I've got gym class in half an hour. Oh how she rocks, in keds and tube socks. But she doesn't know who I am....And she doesn't give a damn about me."
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