"He don't love me, he is obsess" -Ayielle Love, Obsession, Sacrifices, Pain and Suspense this is what this story all about. Love , The thing in this world we can't live without. love\ˈləv\ : a feeling of strong or constant affection for one another. Synonyms :cherish, tenderness But love cause obsession? What is the meaning of it? ob·ses·sion\äb-ˈse-shən, əb-\ : a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal What would happen if you experience it to the point you don't have a choice but force you to love him back? How can you escape? If its the only thing to saved your love one's ...| ___________________________________________ Hi everyone it just pop on my mind that I needed to revised my story totally so just check it out.