59 parti Completa Per adulti'Why does everything keep reminding me of the past? I don't want a repeat and I certainly don't want to be reminded. It hurts too much. One more thing and I might just be pushed over the edge...'
Everything always looks fine from the outside.
Riley Raymond is a part of A Troupe, which, after winning Nationals, are now invited to the most prestigious competitions in the country, heading to Internationals and have the strongest team The Next Step has ever seen. Riley's relationship with her boyfriend James couldn't be better and, although they're not without their arguments, she knows her sister Emily cares about her.
But the past can't be changed. Riley isn't the girl she was 4 years ago - events and people have certainly made sure of that. But she wouldn't show her weaknesses now, she knows letting people in can only get you hurt.
And she's not the only one with problems. At the same time, Emily is struggling to cope on her own at home, when everyone is out, getting on with their lives. Restricted to the confinement of their house, she's slowly going slightly crazy. But she doesn't exactly have anyone to talk to - Hunter left the studio ages ago, and Stephanie and Giselle haven't been around in months.
Being the people they are, both Riley and Emily try and keep their struggles to themselves - it's just easier that way.
But surely everything can't stay hidden forever... Surely there's only so much someone can take before things start getting serious...
Fanfiction based on the Canadian show The Next Step. Therefore I don't own these characters!
(Set around the start of season 3)
Due to the mention of abuse, suicide and self-harm (amongst other issues), this book is rated Mature.