In his first year of Hogwarts, Sirius Black met his three friends for life : James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. In her first year at Hogwarts, Charlotte Bane met her best-friend : William Carstairs. In his second year at Hogwarts, Sirius Black became a known prankster. In her second year, Charlotte Bane became Sirius's best opponent when it came to the topic of tricks. In his third year, Sirius Black became a flirt, he flirted with every living creature in a 5 metre radius. In her third year, Charlotte Bane became the only girl who wouldn't fall to his charm. In his fourth year, Sirius Black was "betrayed and broken" by his friends as they included her into their group. In her fourth year, Charlotte Bane became a Marauder. This is the story of how the Prankster and Prankstress fell in love. << hehe >>All Rights Reserved
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