Hi my names April I'm literally a average 17 year old girl (gorgeous i might add... Well in my own opinion). Anyway i unfortunately get close to the towns bad/best boy aka Danny/Dan/the Danster well i wouldn't call him a bad boy because he's everything but a bad boy... He's more like a pretty boy,straight A* student and has so many followers and fan clubs its generally unreal anyways we meet i like him he must feel at least something for me because he keeps me around and i like being near him even if he is on/off On/off! I meet by best boy friend we are like two peas in a pod. bla bla bla you get the jist right? Okay good! Well Dan doesnt know this but im hiding something...something Big and i really am not sure whether to tell him or not. Hi guys! Yeh Ino this is the worst description ever but i needed to write something and you might as well get to know the main character before the book starts. Oh and yeh its all about the April and Dan for the first part but I'm going to include new characters as i go on and change it up a bit? Don't get me wrong the story is based on they're love/romance but if its always about them two all the time it gets boring so yeh I hope you enjoy if you decide to read xoxoxo your loyal writerTodos os Direitos Reservados