Hear the witch crying louder , as she's tied up to her eyes Penitence for your crime , penitence for your life Right before shouting curses that may take away your life Virtue you couldn't keep turned to vice If that love was just a curse , than I have only tears to shed We will do what we must , let it all turn to dust Let it light , let it burn out bright we only do what's right No hand to help her find her way ********** Sonunu insanların cahilliği ve aşkın getireceğini hiçbir zaman tahmin edemezdi . İşin tuhaf yanı konu birilerini günah keçisi seçmeye gelince herkesin onu görebilmesine rağmen kimse onun gözyaşlarını görmemişti. Kapak @harleyisnotqueen e aittirAll Rights Reserved