When incredibly gorgeous but frozen-hearted Felix Agreste arrives at school, surprising everyone, including his own brother, also known as Adrien Agreste, Marinette, who has finally given up on Adrien, immediately falls for him.
Lila, Marinette and Alya's friend since the Volpina thing, is completely in love with Adrien, ever since Marinette forgot him. But what will happen when she meets Felix Agreste?
New superheroes, more action, and maybe unexpected love...
"He's less stupid than I thought, I guess."
"He's... less perfect than I believed him to be."
"You see, I hate everyone, but your friend...I don't hate her as much as the rest of the world"
"I really like you, Lila. But Marinette..."
"I was enchanted to meet you, Lila. "
"It was enchanting to meet you, Marinette. "
Marinette is an 16 year old girl when she confess that she has a crush on Nathaniel. After a few dates they fell in love with each other so he asks her to be official. After she turns 17 she discovers that he was only with her for interest, heart broken she leaves him wondering why would her live treat her like this. Next year is their senior year and she has totally changed, what happens when the famous Adrien Agreste moves to her school?
After high school, Adrien and Marinette continue to date . Marinette decides to follow her dreams of becoming a fashion designer and goes to New york to study. While Adrien stays in Paris to continue modeling until he is ready to take his father's place at the Agreste Company, the couple decide to do a long distance relationship until they can be together again. 2 years later, Marinette comes back to Paris and surprises Adrien, but when she sees him with another girl she breaks up with him.
Will he be able to explain before is to late?
This will be an Adrinette, Marichat story.
My story will have a bit of dark in it so I'll put a warning when that part comes.