Hi, my names Ashley and I've been dead for 5 years now. I died at the age of 17 so technically I'm 22, but I'm a ghost, I don't age anymore. My death wasn't too tragic, kind of expected. I grew up in the rough part of town as a kid. I used to street fight, pickpocket, drink and take drugs from an early age. I wasn't given the best start in life. I was at a party in town after a bad weekend (I got fired from my job, apparently coming into work high won't impress your boss) where I took things abit to far and topped myself.
Now I live in Ghost Town. Yes Ghost Town, like dead people ghosts. The things at Halloween, yes we exist. Here is the place for second chances. It's basically like the real world but with a bunch of ghosts, anyway. I've lived here for 5 years now, things aren't looking up for me, I've lived 2 miserable lives. Until, I met Diago..