This is a story I wrote in the eleventh grade near the end of the year. I waited until 9-11 came around to post it on her in memory of that day the Earth stood still. That day over 3,000 people were killed from a terrorist attack on America. That was a day that brought America closer as a country that was supposed to be united anyway. I was in kindergarten and I can still remember being rushed home from school, sitting in my nanas living room floor watching the tv, so confused as to what was going on. As a child I was pretty smart. Even though I didn't know exactly what was happening, I knew something bad was going on in New York because I remember seeing my family cry. That was something I've never liked. At the time my uncle lived in New York, not far from where the towers were. Almost a year later, I think, I went there for his wedding. We visited the memorial site- which is nothing like it is today- and I signed a giant flag in remembrance. For a New York street, it was completely silent right there. Today I look at that day and it gives me chills, sadness. This isn't the greatest memorial in the world, its hardly anything. The topic of this assignment was America. The class was creative writing. He told us to think about America and how we saw it, what we though of when we heard 'America' and this is immediately what I thought of. xoxo♥ JordanAll Rights Reserved