Fool me one time shame on you Fool me two times can't but the blame on you Fool me three times fuck the peace sign load the copper let it rain on you ------------------------------------------------------ "Your ugly!"she screeched "Ya pretty much" "Your a bitch" "I am aren't I?" "Your and ass" "Try again my ass is to flat to be and ass" "Your fat" "Nah I'm think I'm good" I said while looking her up and down the looking down at my self "Well your brothers fat" she says smugly looking at David my younger brother behind me as if she won. "Oh honey....." I begin in fake sweetness "talk your shit on me all you want, but even if my brother was fat which he isn't I would keep those lip filler lips shut tight unless you want to swallow your own tongue." And with that I pulled out my dagger from my necklace that is identical to the one I bought my brother and sister when they were younger. Turning around with a loud laugh leaving her with a giant gash on her arm I turned to my brother and said "Let's go to mc Donald's." He just chuckled mumbling under his breath about how crazy I am that I actually would make her swallow her own tongue. Most of the bad things they say about me are true but say one word bad about my family and well let's just say there aren't any to tell the story of what happened.Все права защищены
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