Feelings were intricate. They were hard to understand and cannot possibly be changed. And not to mention, they were unpredictable; it could lead you to doing something you'd normally never even think of doing. That was what Rokuro thought.
For example, punching a guy out of nowhere for a girl he tried to talk with, to which he assumed as 'flirting'.
Of course, he wasn't the type to being emotional, as he was often referred to as 'reckless' and 'impulsive', rather than 'the idiot is actually contemplating about feelings'. However, fate could be so cruel at times.
He ended up liking- no, loving the girl he didn't ever like at the very start.
As stubborn he can be, he tried to make the feeling "go away", but he couldn't just let go of his feelings as easily as he thought. No matter how much he denies it, he knows the undeniable truth.
That he couldn't let go his love for the girl, whom he hated at the beginning.
[I may be stupid, but that doesn't mean I can't have feelings like any other person.]
What feelings does he have, I wonder?
[UNEDITED; I suggest you read it when it's done editing, as the current story is... well, cringy :")]
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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