January 2005. Intikam Chobanoglu is the newest interloper for industrial espionage firm Furtive Khan Global. His debut mission takes him to the wild steppes of Mongolia where foreign mining companies are only beginning to exploit the country's vast mineral resources. Furtive Khan's client wants a piece of the country's largest untapped copper deposit, but it needs a change in government to make that happen. With an election pitting the incumbent former Communists against the opposition coalition only a few months away, the client believes now is the time to take action. When news of a fatal mining accident breaks on his first day in country, Intikam embarks on an adventure around Mongolia in search of evidence that will discredit the former Communists. What he does not know is that there are powers conspiring against him that will go to great lengths to maintain the status quo. Will Intikam find what he needs or will his enemies prevail?
6 parts