The classic tale of Romeo and Juliet is sacred. They die together! Dramtic Face. Julius is a Prince but doesn't know it. His Family was the Capulet family. One sad day when Julius was 2 everybody in the caslte plus his family were murdered by the Montague soldiers and they're King. Julius and his 7 year old butler/friend named Durius were rescued by an Ex Soldier for the Capulet's. He now calls Grandpa. Now they have to live in the Montague Kingdom. Julius looks a lot like a girl so he cross dresses so he get's money by serving as a waiter at bars. Romeo Montague isn't the kind prince anymore. After reportedly his mother had been killed by the "Capluets" Which is a lie. At Flower Ball is honor of the fallen Queen he has to meet his "new Fiancè" Little does he know that Julius will be cross dressing as a girl named Juliet. This story also has Magic and Mystical CreaturesAll Rights Reserved
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