Alexia , a girl of 14 years old. She is a slender, beautiful girl. Light brown hair with golden highlights, her eyes a variety of magnificent colors of blue, gray, gold, brown and hazel. She stood at 5'6, she loves her friends and family. Although, she has very few friends, her best friend is a bird, not just any bird, a raven. One night, she ran away from her home with her wrists bleeding and tears streaming down her face. She tripped and fell down a steep hill , she had knocked her self-unconscious for the next few hours. When she finally came to, a raven had been nestled against her side, it had a small cloth, full and plump, hanging from its mouth. She had opened it and found it full of berries and an apple. She ate without disturbing the raven. When it finally awoke, it nuzzled her and stayed by her side as help finally found her and took her home. To this day, we do not understand why she had ran and cut herself. But we do know, a few months after this accident, she has mysteriously died.... We found her journal, and it told us something so horrific, that we do not advice anyone with a weak stomach or is very emotional...