Hey Kittens Miraculous _Kittens here just saying i'm wrighting MariChat love storys and this one is a MariChat love story but its with two diff people not Mari and adrien (as Chat Noir), here is the description Felix's POV: "Felix big bwother what wong?" adrien says in a adorable child voice. I sigh "Nothing adrien now go and play with that useless junk you call 'toys'" i say sounding bored as i could ever feel. "But fewix-" i interrupt him "No adrien go away! I want to be alone!" I lied to get that little boy away, i didn't actually want to be alone i needed company. "I just... thought you wanted compainy big bwrother..." i feel sorry for yelling at him because he just wanted to help me "... adrien i just need some alone time ok? so please leave me alone, i just need that ok adrien?" He just walked up to me and lightly hugged me i just looked at him with a blank face but he was trying to put on a childish smile for his older brother for me to become happier. After that he left to play with his toys. Bridgette's POV: "Hey sis wanna play?" She says in her high pitched voice she has "sure Mari what do you want to play?" She giggles and looks at me like i don't know what she wants to play "ok i know what you want superhero roll-play?" She grins at me, "yep! You know me too well sis!" We both giggle "Ok who do you want to be Ladybug and Chat noir or the baddie Hawkmoth?" she doesn't takes her time to think she just says "Wadybug and Cat Noir! Wadybug is the best! Cat Noir is cool too!" i laugh at when she said 'Wadybug' "What did i say something?" she asks in her cutest voice "Oh its nothing Mari lets start then" they play until lunch is called and they were told about the picnic... What will happen thats bacily the beginning of my story but Chat will grow feelings for someone Thank you if you are reading my fanfic! :)All Rights Reserved