It was just his normal walk home.
He didn't expect to find what he did.
A kitten boy.
Harry was just a normal 18 year old. He had just graduated, and he was starting life as an adult. He worked at a bakery, and lived in a two bedroom apartment. He was doing pretty good in his opinion.
Louis. He was the kitten boy.
Louis was.. made. No, not in the natural way. He was made by science. He was an experiment. But, he wasn't treated very well, and he was always talked to in third person. It was always, "Louis needs to go to bed," or, "Louis has to clean his cage." It was never, "you." Always his first name.
Louis finally escaped after 16 years.
He met Harry in the alley. And Harry took him home, took care of him, cleaned him up.
Harry didn't know Louis' story, but he could wait. And he was willing to.
Louis hated Harry. He was walking around like he was superior, thinking he was so hot and sexy. Well, Louis could see right through it. They had been in a band together for almost two years and Louis avoided him at any cost. What he couldn't avoid on the other hand was how fucking clumsy Harry was. One night Harry tripped on stage and pushed Louis over the edge.
While he was unconscious a woman appeared and told him that he had an old soul and that he had lived many lives. She said that she wanted to show him some of those lives to make him realize something. It wasn't like he had anything better to do, being unconscious and all that so he agreed.
So he went on some freaky journey in his mind and he couldn't even get away from Harry when he was passed out because every life he had lived included one certain green-eyed boy by his side...
Purely fictional. Trigger warning: death