TRIGGER WARNING: Containing mentions of depression and related topics. If you don't feel comfortable reading this material, don't.
So, this time, we're not in New York City. Well, kinda. We're on two opposite ends of the country, if that makes any sense at all. San Fransisco and New York City. Nice cities, huh? For all you people who liked the last thing I wrote, this is for you. The story just couldn't end with one book, we all know that. Anyways, this one is a bit different, so I hope you like it. Now we have two people, on opposite ends of the country, both searching for answers in the wake of a tragedy. Did that sound cliche enough? I hope so.
Anyways, our two ever so lovely heroes are a bit messed up, but then again, so am I as I tell there story to you. Let me tell you, it's not all pink and rainbows, I hate pink. Strictly a black kinda girl. What happens when the mask comes off, and what's under neath is revealed? Sorry, that sounded perverted. I didn't mean for it to sound that way. Just, what happens in the aftermath of what people discovering who they are?act So, now our heroes must deal with people trying to kill them, and tasks more difficult than the ones at the Triwizard Tournament, all while fighting these without each other.
So many questions, so little time to answer them all. They will be answered, I'm just not going to say when. Buckle your seatbelt, use the bathroom, and don't get off guys. I'm going to take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions and plot points. I hope you enjoy, and those who got the references, pat on the back.
Fangirl out.
'No, he didn't'. I was so shocked by the turn of events. Everything was going fine and then suddenly boom, everything turned upside down.
I just couldn't believe this. What did he think of himself?
'Leave me alone.' I said firmly but his hold on me was so strong. I was struggling to get out of his bear hold but to no avail.
'Oh!! So, the poor lady thinks that I will leave her alone and just let her go free?' He had that evil laugh and boy, his breath stank.
'Man, you just signed your death warrant and I will do one favour on you.' No one messes with me.
'Ooooh, I am so scared that I almost peed my pants.' Again that idiotic laugh.
I counted till 5 and then kicked right in his balls. I turned around and grabbed his hair from roots, jerked them so badly and then gave my hard elbow shot on his chin. Everything happened so fast for one moment he was standing and the other lying on floor wiggling. I charged at him with my cheetah speed, picked up a wooden rod and started hitting him wildly, 'You idiotic stinky breath was trying to steal my backpack. You are so dead.'
'Favour, favour, favour.' He was screaming in pain just after few seconds and was panting hard.
I picked my paste from my bag and threw at him, 'Brush your teeth.' I was fuming.
I turned around and saw him standing wide-eyed, 'Hi, I am Scarlett.' I smiled showing my 32 teeth.
'I am scared.' His look puzzled me.
Starting date- November 5, 2019
Completed on - May 23, 2020
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