( Attention! This is the sequel to The Avenger's Daughters, don't read it you haven't read the first book! )
Kee and Artemis seem to be getting over their battle against Loki, and each other. But now a new enemy has arisen, as the avengers help the girls pick up the pieces of their previously shattered bond as a big family, they are attacked by a strange woman claiming to be from outer space. The avengers turn to the guardians of the Galaxy for help, hoping they will know who this mysterious foe is.
The answer is their worst nightmare. The woman is called Nebula, and her father, previously Loki's partner and master, only needs Kee and Artemis before he can destroy the planets opposing his evil rule.
Now it's a race that get the girls away from Nebula and Thanatos, the girls must not fall in to the wrong hands, or the whole world will be destroyed.
Will the only safe place for these girls, turn out to be isolated Wakanda? And will their King, Black Panther, be able to help the avengers fight the infinity war.