Stephanie's life hasn't always been easy. When she was only 8 years old, she had to move from her town of Holmes Chapel, England to the state of Wisconsin in America. While in Wisconsin, Stephanie meets Rachel, who becomes her best friend. Throughout the years, Stephanie tells Rachel stories about her life in England, but soon half of those memories turn to dust. Only a few memories are still remembered, and they're all about this boy named Harry Styles. Once the girls begin high school, Stephanie has a mission to find out more about what's happened with her country since she's moved. She ends up finding out about this singing competition show called The X-Factor. Steph searches some videos of competitors and notices one video in particular: Harry Styles' audition. As she clicks on it, the memories flood her mind and she realizes that this was her best friend when she lived in England. Steph gets in contact with him and soon, she is invited to come back to England. Stephanie understands that she can't leave Rachel behind the same way she left Harry, so the two girls head off to the UK. You may say it's all fun and games to be hanging out with an upcoming famous British boyband, but will it be the same for Steph and Rachel? Written by: @_StepHarry_ and @leikelamichelle
Harry and Emily meet in Holmes Chapel as two 16 year olds with soaring ambitions. They spend a whole summer together, falling in love, but when Emily moves away to London things eventually crumble between them. What happens when they meet again after two whole years?