This romantic adventure follows the monumental journey of orphaned brother and sister, Ben and Elizabeth Robinson. They are unknowingly descended from a highly evolved race that colonised and integrated with us over 5000 years ago after fleeing from their doomed planet, Angelos. This gentle and deeply compassionate race had evolved over the millennia to have a dreadful power over Nature, but they chose to integrate with us at the cost of diluting their bloodline and consequently reducing their longevity and powers. 5000 years later there remains only two full blooded 'Angels', Maelstrominha and Crystalita, nubile Matriarchs of their civilisation, who's pure genes are their only hope for the rejuvenation of their kind. Elizabeth and Ben are siblings of that same bloodline, a rare occurrence and essential to the Angels to achieve this continuity. When the Angels colonised, they brought with them baggage in the form of another much darker corrupt race, the 'Shadows', who they lost control of over the centuries. The Shadows did not integrate and consequently did not dilute their powers and, as a result, the balance of power tipped their way. They became the ruling power in today's global society consisting of the oligarchs, corrupt politicians, religious leaders, zealots and terrorists. Elizabeth and Ben get caught up in the dreadful, on-going power struggle between these two conflicting races, fighting a war for peace and harmony on the one side and ultimate global domination on the other. The adventure and enduring love stories that ensue will have you riveted! Quote one reader who has read the whole book: "Fantastic book! Exciting and gripping, the plot takes you on a trip through various historical characters and different times! It's a real page-turner and definitely worth a read. You won't regret it and I promise that if you like fantasy adventure with romance, you won't! Christopher Savage