This is basically something for the fans who likes Mark, Jack, Pewds, and Cry. I really wanted to work on this, and this was a secret project for the longest time because if I couldn't think of anything for the X Readers, I would always work on this! So yeah, enjoy, give me a follow if you want, you don't have to! But I am trying to get 50 so that I can feel better about who I am. I don't believe we can do it, but if we can, I might cry tears of joy. I am such a freaking baby, so I will take a picture of the tears rolling down my face to show how grateful I am. No, I will not show you my face, but I will show my cheeks. If you want to, you can make a tribute thing for me and send me a link to it, and I will comment my reaction. I know I will not get any for I am not known by anyone, but if I ever do, my dreams will be real and then I will try to have a one night stand with Markiplier. It's impossible, but I will try! Okay enjoy this and don't cry Katzu-Mizu!
JackSepticEye, known on YouTube as the loud energetic gamer, isn't all that he seems. For one, he has an evil bastard that lives in his mind. Two, he hasn't had the greatest of luck. And three, and maybe the most challenging, he has to live with knowing he can never be with his crush, also known as his best friend Mark. All he wishes is that it could all change. But hey... You have to be careful what you wish for.
I did not make the cover art, all credit goes to TheWriter456 from DeviantArt
Also, warning of slight violence, some stronger words (damn, bitch, etc.), and trigger warning (specifically cutting)