Swords clashed together creating a noise filling Ash with confidence. Days like these were treasured by Ash, training days her favorite day of the week. Best part of it all was she got to see her best friend, Cierra who was the training Sargent. Cierra started training when she was 2 so she got a head start. Today Ash was pared with Al. Al had been given higher ranked positions at least 12 times but he always refused(Ash always thought something was wrong with him). Cierra always gave Ash a challenge so she could get better faster. While Al turned around to do a double back hand flip under cut, Ash slipped into the darkness to go find Sargent Cierra. "Rumor has it that Jack pasted initiation." Ash whispered to Cierra. Cierra whirled around, "WHAT?! But he is so tiny! He could pass for an imp!" "I know! Rumor also has it that he's only 5 years old!" Ash exclaimed. "No way!" They both giggled to themselves but little did they know, that there lives were about to change. Dramatically. Forever! Never to be seen again! Ok you get my point. Hope you enjoy my story!All Rights Reserved