I don't own the Aquarion Evol story or characters in any way I just wish to voice my opinion on how I think the story should have ended. This story takes place a little after episode 16 because I feel that is where the story line started to become a little unsure of how the author thought they were going to end it. No offense but I just completely balled my eyes out over how much I hated the ending of Aquarion Evol. I could accept the ending of Genesis of Aquarion because I felt the whole story made sense and kept me on the edge of my seat, I'm only unhappy that Apollo and Silvia were yanked away from there happy ending just like Apollonius and Celiane. They came so close and then it's like psych I'm gonna rip you apart again so I can make a sequel. I accepted that until the sequels story ended the way it did with so many unsolved conflicts. I have to say I'm proud of one fanfic I found that seemed to have the same idea as me but then changed the story up giving sense to why Amata and Kagura were separate souls still. But I have my own take on the end of this ancient love story and I think the best way to voice it would not be over a blog but in my own interruption in the story line. TO THE AUTHOR: IF YOU INTENDED FOR THE STORY TO END THAT WAY, THEN I HATE TO BREAK IT TO YOU BUT IT HAS LEFT MANY FANS, MYSELF INCLUDED, FURIOUS AND CONFUSED AND BEGGING FOR A CLARIFICATION OR REWRITE, AND MY VOTE IS-ON-THE-RE-WRITE. So that is what I'm giving the fans that feel so unfulfilled like myself.All Rights Reserved