Oh god I love him so much it hurts. Ema (Chāu) Hung, was nothing special. She was simple with long black hair and dull dark eyes. She seemed dark and cruel at first sight. But her best friend, Ryan, knows way more. Inside, she's a loud stubborn sixteen year old with spirit. She wasn't a bright sight to look at so who would ever love her? That never stopped her though. She was in love. In love with a boy, with tanned skin, black frisky hair. and of course was on the soccer team. ~ Oh god I love her so much it hurts Ryan Padilla was very special. His dark striking eyes and frisky black hair made him look like a dirty bad boy. Of course, girls do like a bad boy. His looks were deceiving, for her was nothing but a sweetheart. He wasn't too popular but he wasn't invisible either. As a member of the soccer team he was bound to get noticed by some. Girls from time to time asked him out but he only had eyes for one. She wasn't anything special but she was a gem to him. And they were best friends.