Darkness and light filled her clouded vision. The sweet sound of birds calling in the distance as she aroused from her rough trip. Listening to their heavenly songs, it hit her. It hit her hard. Swarming waves of memories from the nightmare called reality re-entered her mind. Her eyes snapped open as her realization of the recent events had rushed back to her. She got onto her feet and analyzed her environment. She was dressed in black Nike Air Huarache boots, a solid black tank top, dark leggings with matching shorts of a darker shade. A belt had covered her waist. Examining it, she touched the lines and pockets carefully - as well as the items carried by the belt. The dark utility belt carried a gun, knife, and other items. It wasn't like she was "emo." In fact, she loved colors. She just somehow changed into all black clothing in the arrival. She tucked her wavy, umber hair behind her ears and looked to the people around her. Studying her surroundings in curiosity, she saw the glowing blue pads with forms atop of them form around her in scattered groups. The delicate blue released from the pads caused soft turquoise lights to form in specks surrounding the pads on the bunched, green blades. The stars were shining softly in the darkly painted background. The trees disappeared from the clearing and were replaced with soft, dewy grass. Suddenly, a voice blasted off of speakers causing her ears to ring.All Rights Reserved
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