The creators of UtaPri have created a new anime centered around B-Project, an idol group made of three other groups (Kitakore, Thrive, and MooNs), and their new manager, Tsubasa.
If you loved/liked UtaPri, I highly recommend this anime. However, unlike UtaPri's idols who have little to nothing to worry about, B-Pro mostly shows the true hardships of an idol and the show biz. Well, I hope you'll go and try!
One more thing is that quite a few of the voice actors from UtaPri are involved with the anime, such as Showtaro Morikubo (Kotobuki Reiji), Daisuke Ono (Sumeragi Kira), and others! ^^
Just after her best friend was hired by Gandala Music as an A&R, she was also scouted as the temporary songwriter for B-Project, an idol group whose talent and passion was unrecognized by many.
As she gets closer to the boys of Kitakore, Thrive, and MooNs, she realizes her time is running out and must fulfill her mission before it does.
Further Info:
☆ Character x Reader
☆ Updates every weekend
☆ Date: 09/05/16 ~ ??? (Hiatus: Oct 2016 - May 2017)
Note: Each chapter goes along with it's assigned episode
If you've watched the anime Selection Project, then this is a darker (edgier) rewrite of that with some similar characters and also some original characters.
If you haven't, then the story is about a group of 9 girls that come together to compete in an idol reality TV show over several rounds, and the winner will get to become a real idol. In the original story, the characters are threatened with elimination, but it never really happens and they all get to win together. However, in this version of the story, elimination cannot be avoided, and the girls all have their own emotional hang-ups that bring them into conflict with one another as they compete to make their dreams come true.
This is the first story I ever wrote and completed, so it might be pretty rough around the edges, but I thought I might as well throw it out there. Hope you enjoy, and any criticisms and feedback are appreciated! (Just don't be too mean haha)