Caren, a young 14-year old, struggles to live by with the state her family is living in right now.
Her parents left her.
All she has is a disruptive and outsmarting mind, which is pulling and pushing her to her breaking point.
The main thing is, she needs to keep her siblings alive. And with her awfully sick Grandmother, it all seems hopeless.
So, she decides to attempt to go into Camp Nalibuth. A camp that can make you live the rest of your life in peace and wealth. But it all happens in one condition.
Get through the testing grounds. It may seem easy for some, but once you're in, there's no going back. You can either get in or die.
She is willing to continue, but an old friend interferes with her once in a lifetime chances. Yet Caren knows that no matter what happens,
She wants in.