April has never been so calm, the sky a plaster of red, orange, and bright yellow. Flowers in bloom, birds singing, peaceful... Right? The large three storied house sat at the end of Willow Creek Rd. The small suburb was one of many in the state of California. The 'For Sale' sign was quickly pulled of the lawn as a petite long haired woman about the age of 19 stood in front of the cream colored house. Her grey eyes filled with determination to buy the home.
Her hair pulled up in a somewhat bun, a smirk plastered on her face. Her blue and black jacket sat, tied around her waist. She wore a grey tang-top that said 'Bite Me, I Dare You', her baggy sweat pants rolled up above her ankles, she had a pair of black vans on her feet. A pair of black and grey headphones sat lazily around her neck, along with a cold metal chain necklace. Next to her was a small husky, that went by the name of Weasel, cause of how many donuts he stole from the woman. He had white and black markings on his long sold fur. A blue collar with the bold white letters saying 'Back Up, She's Mine' written on it.