Imagine with me Imagine with me just for a moment close your eyes lay your head on my shoulders let peace take over your mind Imagine laying together in a field of wild flowers there scent is heavy thick and beautiful my head on your chest run your hand through my hair sigh break the silence with a kiss " I love you" whisper I know I reply Imagine the darkest night all alone stormy clouds in the sky your afraid U lay in our bed clutching my pillow wishing me home baby o my car pulls in you rush to me hold me against you rain pouring on our heads I love you you whisper I know I reply you kiss me and talk me inside Imagine us one in white one in black long aisles people on both sides vows taken forever I say forever is our response U take my hand and we kiss I love you you whisper I know I say Imagine the end kiss me one last time push away the tubes from my face the beeping on the moniters my long grey hair look in my eyes see my smile but don't cry now kiss me again as the life leaves me tell me you always loved me you always will with my last breath I whisper too you I know I always knew Lay me in the ground cover me with my favorite flowers my hair lays across my breast you cry but everybody cries but know I'am happy I was happy as you leave you whisper I love you the wind rustles through the trees and you hear I know........... know open your eyes believe just for a moment or maybe forever that your life could be what you imagine with meAll Rights Reserved