Everybody dies. It's the only sure thing in life. Well that and taxes. And even though death is a surety, you never know when or how it is going to come for you. But what I know for certain is that when people die, there's a twenty-four hour transitionary period, which I suppose you could call 'limbo', although that term isn't entirely accurate. During the twenty-four hours, each soul must await and undergo a process of judgement called The Weighing, where a judiciary body determines where you will spend the afterlife. Though humans would perceive the two domains of the afterlife as Heaven and Hell, the supernatural community refers to them simply as Above and Below. This way, issues of religion amongst humans are avoided. The final judgement is called the Resolution, and once a soul's fate has been Resolved, they are ferried to either Above, Below or Asphodel by a Reaper. And I've been a Reaper for nine generations now.All Rights Reserved
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