☆1st Book of The Drag Is Real Series☆ ☆The Drag Queens of Las Vegas☆ In the middle of sin city, where it's famously know for its vibrant nightlife, is a growing popular night club full of classy, bitchy, feminine men known as drag queens. Five men, five different backgrounds, and five amazing love stories that will have the power to rock your world. Welcome to Club Ecstasy and were here to make your true desires come true. Trey's Story: Trey "Yikeria" Johnson is a drag queen, plain and simple. Living in a society where people judge you without getting to know you, Club Ecstasy was a blessing in disguise. After almost five years of working there, it gave Trey confidence to walk around like stone cold diva. Amazing friends and family, what more can a drag queen ask for? Trey wasn't looking for a relationship but when a mysterious man starts showing up at his shows, for more then an encore, then shit gets real. Especially since this man has even more dirtier secrets then him.....Tous Droits Réservés
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