In the world of Gaea, events were fated to unfold in a specific order. The timelines were never meant to cross one another, even if some of them were connected in the first place. This universal law was broken, however, when suddenly, the timelines combined into one, and all versions of Gaea were connected. While most people were terrified at the sudden transformation of the world around them, many people have decided to take advantage of everyone's paranoia and collaborated to accomplish the one thing many of them sought-total control. However, the people in the world of Gaea, people regarded as heroes in their respective timelines, understand the gravity of the situation. The ones who are closest have teamed up to combat the forces collaborating to obtain control, while some are still trying to find their way in such a mixed up world. One such person is a young wanderer by the name of Bartz Klauzer, and when the timelines cross, he is subconsciously drawn to the man who caused the whole situation in the first place. Not only is there a war to be fought, but Bartz must find the source of the timelines connecting before his own enemy, Exdeath, gains the power he needs to send the world to the Void by manipulating his "allies".
21 parts