Do you wake up every morning and gaze up at the sunrise, feeling the gentle rays of sunshine stroking your skin? Or do you lounge outside in the evening, watching the golden sun as it dips lower into the earth, leaving behind streaks of purple and red?
Do you admire the beautiful rainbow, as it emerges from behind the clouds, resplendent in all its colours?
Do you trace over the lovingly etched lines of a painting, created from a combination of simple colours to form a work of art?
I can't.
I live in a greyscale world. All the magnificent colours of the rainbow, the brilliant sunrise, or the warm sunset are of the same grey tints to me. My favourite season is winter, because that's the only time when everyone has to experience the same thing which I've known all my life. That's the only time when everyone has to share my little greyscale world. I couldn't appreciate the magic of colours, because I didn't know colours. How could I, when I'd been like this all my life?
I thought I would never know colours...that is, until I met him.
My name is Emma, short for Emerald, and I was named after the colour of my eyes, which I can't see.