So, babysitting doesn't seem like a really hard job now does it. Babysitting comes in two forms you're either watching a kid or a pet. For the kid, all you have to do is watch the them, give them everything they need, make sure they don't get into trouble and happy when their parents arrive. For the pet make sure it's there when you need him, enjoys your company and well fed. Quite similar it seems right. But what if you had to do two in one job, it's easy... right. Wrong! Especially when you're watching Brendan, (A.K.A 'Mr. Trouble', well that's what he's called by his past babysitters) you're in for a surprise. This teen is a two-in-one. He's half dog half boy... literally! Considering he has tail and dog ears. A hybrid, something that's very rare in this town of his. Hybrids aren't like your regular kid. There like a three year old child... and that's it. The way they act it's like they never grown past the age of three, their mental maturity doesn't happen till later on. But sometimes they're smarter than we think. Brendan is home-schooled and his old babysitter has had enough of him and quits, but his parents can't figure out why considering they know all he does is eat, sleep, cry and go to the 'potty' (like Brendan says). They need a quick replacement before they find a stable one to stay. Its spring break and the other kids in school off having a fun time and Brendan parents use this as a chance to find him one. They find Nicole and her annoying brothers; Kyle and Riley who tag along with her. Will Brendan new babysitters be here to stay or will Brendan wreck havoc like he usually does?