Rory- Son of an Italian bartender and an actual-deer-turned-human (Rory is the result of an m-preg between the two), is approximately 5'5" in height, big blue eyes, black hair, tanned skin, and cute fuzzy little antlers (like those of a growing baby deer)
He gets lost in the woods due to his daddy's horrible location skills and stumbles across an abandoned house, what he finds inside is truly unexpected. But not necessarily unwanted.
Romeo- Son of a sex demon and human, roughly 6'2", black hair, pink skinned (father is red and mother is albino, therefore pink), black eyes, and has a snake for a tail.
He is the self proclaimed owner of the house and when new prey trap themselves inside he decides to have a little fun.
Pagolo- Son of two Italian assassins, well his father is an assassin and his mother is in training, 5'8", dark brown/blonde hair, green eyes, olive skinned, and is 100% human.
Was training with his parents when his horse decided to kick him off and leave him. Came across the house when he was trying to find his way home. Going inside was his biggest mistake.
Would one call this encounter fate? Or just dumb luck perhaps?
Everyone gains a mark revealing their soulmate's first thought about them. Most people think its wonderful: being able to find the person you were born to be with, but Keith has a different opinion. After years of bullying he's used to hiding his soulmark, but now that he's hidden it from his soulmate, how can he reveal the truth without being rejected?