A Pro's Amateur Work, written by Clare Richards, is a collection of modern day urban legends found in Crimzon, CA. and the surrounding bay area with a focus on the Blackfyre event and its repercussions. As well as references to social and policy of the city and state. Clare's Bio: Political Science, Classical Civilisations B.A. (2006) Master of Journalism (2008) from University of California, Berkeley. Several major appearances as a freelance writer including the Washington Post, 538 Politics, and New York Times. Currently a correspondent on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show (as the token Republican) and a part-time journalist for Buzzfeed and Politico. Thanks to my editor (Mika) for proof-reading! DISCLAIMER: This blog focus on stories being told and repeated. This site is written not as journalism and any included accounts make no claims of validity and should be taken with a grain of salt and bias. Any information included about views on actual events/persons requires a deal of discretion supported with your own personal research. ALL OPINIONS ARE MY OWN.All Rights Reserved
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