Kristin Farmer is a California divorce counselor whose interest in her field dates back to early high school years. She attended Columbia University directly after graduating high school and, after earning her Bachelor's and Master's degrees, she returned to her home state to begin offering counseling to those experiencing traumatic uncoupling situations.
Though Kristin Farmer DivorceCalifornia practice focuses on divorce counseling, she also provides pro bono therapy to children and dedicates her counseling expertise to volunteer work through her church whenever possible.
Emotional Health - Counseling can help maintain your emotional health by teaching you ways to solve problems and eliminate stressors. The professionals that you work with will be trained in problem-solving methods that can help you overcome depression, anxiety and addiction.
Staying Accountable - Counseling and coaching can keep you accountable for making changes that you otherwise cannot stick to. These professionals help you overcome mental blocks and stay accountable on your path by giving you someone to check in with.
Finding Purpose - Those who haven't experienced a trauma or who do not have obvious problems in their lives often find a purpose through counseling. Trained professionals can help you understand yourself and your desires so that you can set life goals and work toward them.
Understand and Solve Problems - Counselors are there to help when you have a problem in your life, and you aren't quite sure what it is. These professionals can help you understand what is wrong in your life, even if you have tried and failed to do so before.
If you're interested in counseling, the first step is to interview psychology professionals in your area to find a good fit.
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