When the Neverseen has finally been defeated, Sophie and her friends get their Matchmaking Scrolls. Matches are made, relationships are created, and hearts are broken. But it's just another adventure in the Keeper Crew's lives.
A Sokeefe Fanfiction
Sophie and the gang are still at war with the Neverseen. Along with the struggles of fighting, Sophie and her friends are learning to rely more and more on each other. Because of the constant stress and turmoil caused by the villains, tears are shed, threats are made, and stakes are high when it comes to who they can trust. Through it all, love always wins.
sofitz drama/sofitz demise tehehe
*All characters and art belong to Shannon Messenger and her Keeper of the Lost Cities series. If you haven't read her books, PLEASE read them. They are the best books I've EVER read!! Love you Shannon Messenger (even though you're last cliffhanger made me cry haha) <3