In which a prince meets a commoner. And the commoner has no idea... ~ I want to find love in the moonlight One where we'll meet by the river Or when we'll sit in silence on the swings of the park nearby I want to know love under the moonlight Where I realise how I feel as you look up to the night sky And you'll look at me with a smile that lights up my world brighter than the stars you adore I want to experience love in the moonlight It's when we fall asleep in each other's arms And I'll wake up when the sun rises just to hold you closer I want to fall in love in the moonlight So now all I need is the moonlight Because I've fallen for you. ~ <SEPT2016-ongoing> {ft. a brown haired prince and a blue eyed palace worker} [Greatly inspired by the 'Love in the Moonlight' kdrama]