This story follows the life of of a girl who's name is Davina Hart. She's 17 year's old and she used to live in Mystic Falls with her half sister and half brother.
After an eventful part of her life, which involves the death of her parents during a tragic car crash; which she was apart of, she decides that the best decision she can make at this point, is become emancipated and live her life onward and forward without looking back and with no hesitations.
When she hears that one of her close friend is on a small town called Beacon Hills, she wasted no time in packing her bags and catching the first flight home; or at least soon to be home!
And even though she is aware of the murderer's in that town, which she still thinks that aren't normal, she still has the idea of starting a new life there, is alright ! But the thing is, that Davina isn't normal either, she's been hiding a secret since she was adopted...She's a werewolf, and that's not the only thing that she is!
Read to find out more!