Every single day, humans are in the position that they must read. We are inundated with material with the written word in many formats. We read: • Traffic signs • Advertisements • Newspapers and magazines • Mail • Web pages and blogs • eMail and, what you are reading right now: books and eBooks. Many of us find that we just cannot read fast enough because the pile of items we desire to read just keeps growing and never shrinks. Reading helps us in so many ways. We learn new skills, polish old skills and discover facts and figures help us make decisions to benefit ourselves and our family. So, do you read as much as you would like? As you should? More than likely, the majority of you answered with a definitive no. Maybe you are saying to yourself that you do not have the time to read. But, what if you did have the time? And, you are probably reading a lot more than you possibly can imagine. w Social media posts w email w Those billboards you see while driving w Web pages Face it... we read all the time both consciously and unconsciously. Wouldn't it be great if you could read faster? Here's a preview of what you'll learn: - Speed reading techniques - Training your eyes for speed reading - 4 various methods of speed readingAll Rights Reserved