Does it ever come to your mind that, maybe, there's a chance you're hurting someone who's is closer to you, someone you've done wrong, without any realization , someone that cares about you deeply than your supposed other half ?
Take a moment, and just think about it, think about your actions today , what you've said and what've you done
Feel any sort of guilt building up inside you?
The answer is still negative?
Read this, maybe -who knows- this could knock some sense in you
My name: Does it matter? This story could be about you just as much as it is about me
My age: Depends on your age
Who am I? More like who are we? : We're the ungrateful and spoiled brats, we my friend are the disappointment to ourselves
Just don't make the same mistake that I've done
And don't let your Ego come first; you're going to regret it; maybe not now, maybe tomorrow or in the near future
I'm not saying that we're all alike, maybe you're different, But the odds are small,
So without further due, Welcome to the gates of regrets and guiltiness
These two words speaks for themselves
And here is a little tale about Me, You and us, the events may be different but we're all in the same situation
And with that begins the story of........