WARNING SOME MAY BE DIRTY!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!! Y'all know the Drill character x fluttershy Some of the ships here I love Billy Dumbbell x FlutterShy Hoops X FlutterShy but no one ship Score X FlutterShy y'all know the smallest one in the Three Bully Boys Group who doesn't talk alot. I think there be some awesome fanfics if more people shipped them. Another one this ship I made myself Coach Grumpy Hotdog X FlutterShy if none of you know who he is and you read DashAcadamy I have no idea how y'all don't know him. He's Billy's Uncle. To me this ship which I created is perfect. A Coach X A Shy Student PERFECT. And of course FlutterDash and BrollyShy If you don't know who Brolly Umbrella is he's FlutterShy ColtFriend. Well y'all know the rest if you guess. Heh Ryhmues. Shout out to the creator of Dash Academy check the comic out.All Rights Reserved