Once a year, teenagers go missing, yet everyone knows where they go. They get put into 'Mental Testing', but everyone calls them The Mind Games. In The Mind Games, you are put in a series of simulations and laws of physics no longer exist. The twist; a group of scientists called Testers can kill you at any moment. And when you die in the simulation, you die in real life. Only one person is allowed to survive. However, the winner always goes missing or is found dead within the next two years
Katlyin, a leader of the rebel group called Restart, has been destined to be in The Games. Her ancestors were the creators of Restart. She is the last surviving member of her family, the rest have been condemned to be in The Games. Katlyin is convinced that her family members have always won and The Testers are cheating. But Katlyin has been training to survive since she's been able too. But will she survive the real simulation, when the people controlling it want her dead?